05 March 2021

Dutch-banded rabbit kits

 Last evening as I fed the rabbits, I checked Cassie's nestbox again - she had pulled fur last week but not kindled.  Well, she gave birth to four wriggly, energetic kits ... and THREE have the Dutch banding coat pattern!  Woohooo!  I only had one born last year to Belle and Blue-Boy, who was regular furred and could not take the August heat and died.  My goal since crossing in the Dutch gene has been to get a blue Dutch-banded Rex-furred rabbit with the heat tolerance of the Florida White I crossed in last year.

four newborn rabbit kits

Newborn rabbits have very little fur, so it isn't a certainty, but I think I have one black banded (the runt of the litter) and two blue banded.  Since Cassie is a Rex-furred daughter of Jack, and Blue-Boy (the sire of the litter) is the son of Shalimar who was Rex-furred, there is a decent possibility of getting at least one of them with Rex fur.  Wish me luck!

The three Dutch banded kits

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