19 August 2015


This video is a few weeks old now. 
For those that don't know a Keet is a 'baby" Guinea.
The order was for 25 and we've lost two. 
They will be getting a tractor of some kind very soon.

Thanks for reading!


David The Good said...

We kept guinea fowl for a while but the noise eventually drove us to eat them. They really are hilarious birds.

BTW - if you get a chance, feel free to take Florida Survival Gardening off the blog list and replace it with www.thesurvivalgardener.com. Thank you - and glad you're in the Sunshine State.

dfr2010 said...

I doubt the noise will even be noticeable here, with all the crowing and general hen bragging and the neighbors' various critters and the wildlife ... although I am definitely looking forward to tasting guinea. It's been one of those mysterious entries in my old cookbooks.

Fixed the blogroll for your new blog - thanks for the reminder on that.