15 February 2014

15 Feb planting peas

In garden box 4, I worked in fallen leaves, then set up tomato cages and planted green (English) peas around those (American Seed Green Arrow variety).  Used up whole packet by planting last 6 seeds on fenceline.

Next to garden box 2 we worked in more fallen leaves - the trees have been quite generous! - then set in the boxy/linear trellises and planted snow peas (Burpee Snowbird variety).  Half a packet of seeds remains to plant more in two weeks.

Last fall, I had done a bit of an experiment along the fenceline, planting one section just forked and hoed, one section with top soil forked and hoed in, and a third section with compost and top soil forked and hoed in then planted green beans and snow peas.  Not unexpectedly, the bare ground section had the lowest sprout rate, but the snow peas did better than the green beans there, so I learned that they will grow in straight sandy soil although they certainly have no objections to organic matter or enriched soil worked into it.

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