23 April 2015

Chicks pics and a visitor

First up, pictures of the adorable chicks, now a week and half old.
splash Silkie and Gold-Laced Wyandotte chicks

week and half old chicks
The little Wyandotte pullets look to be getting in wing feathers, and there is a bit of variation in the amount of gold.  I'll be interested in seeing how they feather out.  As for the Silkies ... they are unbelievably cute!  I can now understand why and how people keep these as pets.  They are very laid back, and don't really panic when picked up.

Now, previously when we have had wildlife visit us, it has been less than pleasant.  The past few days though we have had a nice visitor in the form of a female pheasant.  I think she's attracted to all the chicken feed that inevitably spills a bit, and I am hoping the hawks, eagles, and owls leave her alone.
female pheasant

our pheasant visitor

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