28 March 2015

Pullet Bullets 3 out of 4 now

So, I posted back on Tuesday when we got the first pullet bullet of the year/season.  Wednesday we got a second, which meant it's likely both Darkie and Penny have started laying.  Today, we have three!  Judging from the comb and wattle color, it looks like Goldie has joined the laying crew.  None of the pullets has actually chosen a particular spot in the tractor to lay, so it is like an Easter egg hunt, hoping you get out there before the egg shell gets cracked.  Two eggs are a rosy-tan, with the third being a darker, almost terra cotta color at the ends like a Welsummer egg.  Cool beans (literally, this morning! LOL) the egg season is kicking it up a gear, with seven layers as of today.  Bright Eyes has only started reddening up, and her comb is still pullet-small.

More chicken-swapping with my neighbor Maria: she traded me two black pullets for two of the red broiler cockerels.  Hubby came over to help pick out the pullets after Maria had caught a second cockerel.  She had wanted both of the dark red cockerels, but I could only grab the biggest (the bully of that tractor!) and even climbing into the tractor she still couldn't get her hands on the other darker one, so she grabbed a nice golden-red one.

Speaking of cockerels, the two extra Wyandotte cockerels are back in isolation for another caponizing try tomorrow morning.  Hopefully, my back will behave better than the last attempt, which I had to cancel due to back spasms that morning.

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