31 July 2015

July eggs

This has certainly been the month for the layers!  All the other January pullets started laying, unfortunately no hen is broody this month, and we weaned the chicks from the broody Eileen, so all 24 pullets and hens were and currently are laying.  This has added up to a new record for eggs: 364 eggs during the 31 days of July, that I am aware of!  To top that off, this week I took 21-1/2 dozen eggs up to Palatka for Leo to buy to supply his extended family up in New York City.  Leo commented to hubby Wednesday that our eggs taste just like the ones they ate when he was growing up, and our impression is that is a high bar to clear.

We also took at least three dozen up to hubby's family in Jacksonville, and another 18-pack may have walked out with father-in-law (with notification, of course) when he came down to help hubby build the back deck.

I do need to figure out which of the red broiler pullets is laying either thin shelled eggs or no shelled eggs.  All those pullets are alive for one purpose: to produce baby broilers.  Eggs with extremely thin or no shell won't hatch, so this pullet needs to be identified, then invited to dinner as the guest of honor.  That sounds like a better euphemism than "freezer camp."

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