17 January 2016

Salad seeds started

I felt motivated to do some more planting this evening after hubby and I went out for dinner to celebrate the successful auction.  This time I planted two types of lettuce, some green English cabbage, and something called corn salad, which I have never tried but am quite curious to taste.
two kinds of lettuce, green English cabbage, and corn salad
So this tray, marked with a Heinz ketchup pack (what can I say?  The cat has not brought either of us nice colored twistie ties recently) consists of:

  • Burpee "Salad Bowl" lettuce
  • Burpee "Ashley" red lettuce
  • American Seed "Early Green" cabbage
  • Burpee corn salad
I guess I am really feeling the gardening urge so far this year.  Here's hoping the motivation sticks!

Oh, a short chicken note: We took six Wyandotte chicks from out underneath one of the "dragons" who was still on the ground with the chicks who did not figure out hubby's stairs of scrap wood from the deck.  After we got those six and put them in to cuddle up with Pollux, our capon chick nanny, hubby moved four more Wyandotte chicks up into the nest boxes with the other dragons.  My comment was, "It's a good thing chickens can't count, or I'd be in a LOT of trouble tomorrow morning!"

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